Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change

Kenya like other countries in the world is experiencing adverse effects of climate change. Climate change has caused negative socio-economic effects across most sectors with the most vulnerable being agriculture and livestock, forestry, water, health, fisheries, energy, tourism as well as physical and social infrastructure. Some of the general adverse effects of climate change experienced in Kenya include; Variations in weather patterns (reduced rainfall and failed seasons); frequent and prolonged droughts and diminishing water resources; floods/flash floods and landslides; environmental degradation and habitat destruction; resurgence of pests and diseases; loss of biodiversity; severe famine and hunger causing food insecurity and resource use conflicts

To be sustainable, agriculture needs to remain productive and profitable, with minimal environmental impact, in the face of ever-increasing climate uncertainty. Besides, we need to engage youth in agriculture as there is huge untapped opportunities.

The objective of the Agriculture and climate resilience and dapatation program is to:

  1. Provide technical assistance to farmers, agricultural service providers, and policy-makers regarding sustainable strategies for adapting to, and mitigating the impact of, climate change, and
  2. Seek innovative and effective research-based solutions to climate-related challenges facing the region’s agriculture.
What we are doing to ensure food security and mitigate on climate change effects?
  • Agriculture production and productivity:

    • Sensitizing communities on technologies and innovations that are geared towards increased food production.
    • Promotion for adoption of such technologies and innovations:
      • Planting of fast growing crops, drought tolerant crops, early maturing crops;
      • Irrigation,
      • Conservation agriculture and
      • Sustainable land management practices.
      • Value additions technologies
      • Capacity building on post harvest handling to minimize on losses
    • Promote commercializing of agriculture amongst the youth in the targeted communities
      • Conduct market surveys to identify sub sectors of focus
      • Identify and address constraints hindering growth and profitability of the sub sector
      • Organize smallholders youth/farmers into producer marketing groups
      • Enhance access to quality inputs
      • Access bulking for ease of marketing
      • Enhance access to markets through ensuring market information flow
  • Forestry Sector

    Working with communities to upscale afforestation and re-aforestation efforts in order to increase our tree cover and subsequently enhance carbon sinks

  • Energy Sector

    • Sensitizing target communities on need to use of alternative energies to minimize Green House Gases (GHGs) emissions and subsequently reduce global warming
    • Promotion of use of alternative energy sources such as biogas, solar, improved stoves, bio-fuels as well as up-scaling the use of other renewable energy sources like solar panels and solar lamps.