The state of health sector in most of the areas where AiRD operates is faced by a number of challenges that act in combination against the development of a healthy and productive population. Poor communications, poor water supply, poverty, poor rural health services and malnutrition are only some of the factors that contribute towards ill-health.
AiRD’s health component will contribute to the improved health status of women of reproductive age and children below five years. This will be achieved through a number of strategies: Community mobilization; health education and behavior change and communication that are culturally relevant. AiRD is keen on prevention of HIV/AIDS amongst youth aged 12 – 25 years and especially young women who happen to be more vulnerable.
Sharing Is Caring
Interesting Fact
AiRD employs a market-driven, sustainable social enterprise model for supporting rural projects and enterprises.
Githinji Investments House,
Fifth Floor,Suite 503,
Chambers Road – Ngara,
P.O Box 180 – 00600,
Nairobi, Kenya
+254 (0) 41 2245 858
North America Office
North American Liaison Office, Policy and Programs.
3313 Federal Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada B3L 3X5.
Tel (Office): +19024545154; Fax. +19024430970